Social Media Analytics Training

Measuring Metrics & ROI

Our social media marketing seminars provide intricate knowledge and insights in measuring your campaignsSuccessful social media campaigns require proper analytics. We teach Social media analytics; monitoring, measuring and reporting. Social media analytic tools & techniques training. Social Media requires listening & responding, an ongoing production of content & constant vigilance; all of which add up to a considerable investment of your organization’s time, energy and resources.


How do you know if all your efforts are worth the cost?

By measuring the results of course; that’s easier said than done, however, Social media isn’t public relations, and it’s not direct marketing. The benefits delivered by social media network integration is different; especially in the way they accrue over time. Social Media requires consistent presence.

When you’re in the process of planning a social media strategy, thinking about how and what social media metrics you’ll measure can be a valuable guide as you start to map your plans. Figuring out what to measure is the first step – you can then build the plans for execution.

Our Social Media Workshops will give you a unique insight into strategies and management techniques

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More Social Media Analytics workshop info is available here.